Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Personalization Format

Brand/Product: Tresemme/Tres Two Spray
Source: Cosmopolitan & US Weekly
Publication Date: Jan. and Feb. 2010 & Jan. 24, 2011
Category: Testimonial

In personalized formats the relationship between the product and the consumer is highlighted. In the testimonial type ad a "real" person is shown either using the product or talking about the product. In the case of this Tresemme ad, a hair stylus is talking about how much he enjoys the product and how well it works. By having a stylist talk about the product Tresemme is making a direct connection to the consumer. The consumer who is buying hair products trusts their hair stylist and in turn Tresemme hopes that this trust will carry over to the stylist advocating their product.
 Refer to page 187 of SCIA.


Brand/Product: Wrigley Jr. Company / Orbit Tropical Remix Gum
Source: Cosmopolitan & US Weekly
Publication Date: Jan. and Feb. 2010 & Jan. 24, 2011
Category: Person or Character stands for product

The case of the personalization format where a person or character stand for a product, the advertiser sells the product through this person. The consumer relates to the person in the ad and then is able to relate to the product. In this orbit ad the woman in white is this character. She is used in many of the Orbit ads and so often the consumer has made a "relationship" with her. This relationship reminds them of the gum and when they see her they either have positive or negative reaction to the ad. So in this ad she is pointing to the gum displaying that it is the new tropical remix, and she supports it. If you support her than you will probably want to try the new gum.


Brand/Product: Unilever UK / Timotei Natural Style
Source: daily/2006/timotei-styling-mousse-lion/
Publication Date: 2007
Category: Product leads to self-transformation

A personalization that involves a product transforming the consumer most commonly invites the consumer to imagine themselves in a more idealized state. It is a common approach for cosmetic and clothing ads. In this ad for Timotei the self transformation is less literal than showing the consumer being transformed by the product. In this instance the lion acts as a sign of the wild, being wild. This relates to consumers that feel that their hair is wild or even that their hair is similar to lions mane at times. The fact the Timotei can even transform a real lion's mane into smooth, soft locks means that it must work on all hair. So by association the consumer can infer that even on their wildest hair days, like the lion's mane, it can be tamed.
Refer to pages 186 & 190 in SCIA.


Brand/Product: Altoid/Altoid Smalls
Source: US Weekly
Publication Date: Nov. 2010
Category: Product Solves Social Problem

An ad that uses their product to solve a social problem is another form of the personalization format. In this case that demonstrates that their product can help the consumer to overcome a problem that they may encounter in a social setting. The problem in this is setting is language barrier. From the Italian phrase book in the woman's purse and the implied location behind her you can tell that she is in Italy. The text implies that the woman cannot speak Italian and it would be a problem if she did not have her Altoids with her. Using the color red from the tin helps to create a visual rhythm that helps your eyes move around the lower half of the page. By cutting off the faces of the man and only showing the back of the woman, it helps to make the viewer feel as though they could be in the situation. Also using the "Smalls" in this type of setting tells the viewer that they are small enough to bring anywhere, so that you will always have them with you.
Refer to notes from Feb. 10th.

Brand/Product: Vera Wang/Preppy Princess Frangrance
Source: Elle Magazine
Publication Date: Feb. 2011
Category: Ad that Promises Class Mobility

Ads that promise class mobility generally focus on a group of people or a setting  that the viewer can aspire to be like or in. They are hoping that by placing the product with these people or in a certain setting, their product will take on these qualities. The name of the fragrance is the first thing that sets it apart. By naming it "Preppy Princess" they are saying that in order to wear this you should be a prep. The type of clothing worn by the people in the ad are also important to the promise of class mobility. They all seem bored by money and luxury, one girl is wearing a huge crown on what seems to be a normal day. They are implying that money is of no consequence to them, and by wearing this perfume you too can be like them. At the bottom of the ad it says "The New Fragrance That's Born to Rule," and by buying this perfume you too can be bored with money and in charge.


Brand/Product: Oceanminded/ Footwear, Apparel & Accesories
Source: Surfer
Publication Date: Sept. 2011
Category: Ad that Promises Escape

The final kind of personalized ad is the ad type that promises escape. These ad generally show scenes of exotic places either with the product in these places or people using the product there. This association with an exotic place makes consumer think that by buying their products they can escape from their normal life. This ad for Oceanminded indirectly shows the product in an exotic location. It mainly focuses on the type of people that would wear their products. By having images of surfers riding huge waves and traipsing through the woods they are implying that their footwear is suitable for even your most extreme situations. They are also saying that by wearing Oceanminded footwear you are enabling yourself to be in these sorts of situations. 

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